
Sizing Up the Situation - Part 1

1/25 - the investigation begins, on my quest to answer the niggling question: What Size are You?

Where am I going and why?
This quest actually started several months ago, when I launched the Personal Shopper feature at Perfectly Shaped World, and discovered that, even though I was selecting items of a specific size range, they weren't -the right size-.

Since I never meet my clients in person, my accuracy is based entirely on the ability to get the right data before I begin my fashion hunt. The problem was, at that point, I had no idea just what data would be the right data, and trial and error has proven that that question is still eluding answers.

I'm not a long-standing member of the fashion industry, so I don't have a little black book or prized Rolodex to spin and call up my choice of expert. But I have a few tools at my disposal - a pitbull's persistence when it comes to research, and the Internet!

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